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5 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Winter

Real Estate

The cold weather is creeping in and it causes more than snow days and discomfort. Frozen temperatures can wreak havoc on a property in a number of ways, so it’s important to properly prepare your home for winter. These 5 tips will show you how to gear up now so the rest of the season can be smooth sailing (or smooth skiing, if you will). 

1. Clean Your Gutters

Double check your gutters to make sure they are all clear of debris. Throughout autumn, falling leaves may end up stuck in the passageways. Even twigs or other debris from a storm can find their way to your gutters. 

While the fall season may clog your gutters, winter will double down on the damage. Snow and ice stuck in the passageways will ultimately melt and leak down, rotting your roof structure and potentially home foundation as well. 

Water damage is one of the most detrimental problems a house can encounter. But if you prepare your home for the cold ahead of time, you can avoid this possible nightmare repair. 

2. Check for Droughts on Windows and Doors 

Leaky windows and doors are a major money drainer. As you pump the warmth of your heater, the unchecked gaps in your windows and doors will be slowly sucking out the heat and trading it for the chilly outdoor air. This could end up hiking your bill up to some scary numbers- which is definitely something nobody needs around the holidays!

To prevent this costly nightmare, examine all your windows and doors before you have to start up your heater for the season. If you find a problem, fix it accordingly. 

3. Insulate Your Walls and Attic

Similar to droughts in door and window cracks, under-insulated walls and attics will cost you money and discomfort. 

Hopefully, your home is already insulated and secure. But any little leak or spot that’s wearing out could cost you more than you realize. Don’t skip this step and if you do encounter a problem, ensure you know how to insulate your home properly. 

4. Clean Your Chimney

Cleaning the chimney, if you happen to have one, is an essential part of preparing your home for the winter. 

You’ll need to remove soot buildup or anything else that may have ended up in there over the past year, in order to prevent a fire. Additionally, fireplace smoke that’s unable to rise up due to a blocked chimney will emit the lethal gas carbon dioxide. The best-case scenario if you avoid cleaning your chimney is potential damage to the chimney itself. But as the worst-case scenarios are grave enough, it’s really not worth risking hurting your home or your family. 

For all the reasons above, it’s advisable to call a certified professional to clean out your chimney for yearly winter home maintenance.

5. Wrap Your Pipes

In a little lesson in science today- pipes contain water, which may freeze and expand into ice in the winter. The inflation could be too much for the small pipe to handle, causing it to crack, burst, and ultimately flood your home. In summation- more unwanted water damage. 

You’ll want to prepare your home for this type of cold ahead of time. To do so, wrap insulation sleeves around the pipes to keep the water warm and flowing. 

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