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3 Strong Argumentative Essay Examples, Analyzed


You cаn also offer a concession that is more moderate or a concession that іs more extreme. Strength Counterargument Explanation Weak Organ selling should not be legalized because someone who is unhealthy may donate their organs and infect the patient receiving the organ. This is a weak counterargument because while it does stand in opposition to the author’s central argument that organ selling should be legalized, it does not address the author’s primary reasoning of a monetary incentive. Strong Organ selling should not be legalized because paying donors for their organs could drive up the cost of a transplant, thereby allowing only the rich to be able to afford one. This is a strong counterargument because it stands in opposition to the author’s central argument that organ selling should be legalized, and it directly addresses the author’s reasoning about paying people to donate. In an argumentative essay, counterarguments are used for several reasons. One purpose of a counterargument is to promote an understanding of all sides of the issue being debated.

As you’re writing a counter argument, you might run into some difficulties if you fervently believe in the truth of your argument. Indeed, in some cases, your argument may appear to you to be so obvious that you don’t understand why anyone could think differently. By choosing these relevant topics for your environment and age group, it is much easier to draw upon your own experience or the experience of friends in order to write an excellent persuasive essay. Although it has been suggested that same sex schools make children more focused on study,it is generally agreed that children of the same sex are more likely to talk with each other during class time. Analyze the counterarguments so that you can determine whether they are valid.

What is a Counterargument?

Most teachers will probably let you put them anywhere (e.g. in the start, middle, or end) and be happy as long as they are present. Flesh the counter argument out by offering evidence — of the fact that people hold that position (where possible, quote a well-known opponent), as well as reasons why. Word your counter argument in such a way that makes it clear that you have carefully considered how to write a counter argument in a persuasive essay the position, and are not simply belittling it. This portion of your counter argument will require doing additional research in most cases. You have already researched your topic, so you know on what grounds people most frequently oppose your argument. Pick one, or a few, that you consider to be important and interesting. Formulate the counter argument as if you were on the opposing side.

  1. See how other students and parents are navigating high school, college, and the college admissions process.
  2. Don’t make use of bias language when you present or oppose their position.
  3. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices.
  4. You have to prove to your reader that you have weighed many options and considered all sides of the question.
  5. For example, if your argument is that college іs tоо expensive, then a counterargument could be, “Why is college so expensive?
  6. Placing your counterargument in your introduction is one effective way to include your counterargument.

By going more into detail of what she believes should be done, the author would be making a stronger argument. There’s lots of solid research how to write a counter argument in a persuasive essay in this essay, including specific programs that were conducted and how successful they were, as well as specific data mentioned throughout.

How to Write a Counter Argument Step

After researching, the author must look at their own argument in order to determine the counterargument. In this case, the central component is that organ selling should be legalized. Therefore, the central component of their counterargument should be that organ selling should not be legalized.

how to write a counter argument in a persuasive essay

” This question allows readers tо know exactly why the argument is being made. Counter arguments should clear any doubts readers might have about your positions. Moreover, the purpose of an opposing argument is to offer a reason to disagree with the thesis statement. Whether you include it in the introduction or dedicate an entire paragraph to it, your counter argument shows that you’re aware that various views exist.

Counter Argument: Zooming in on Argument Essay

In this way, the writer comes across as a person who is more interested in confronting the difficulties enmeshed within the argument and does not simply dismiss them. The writer is more interested in discovering the truth versus winning a point. The counterargument is not a contest or game to defeat the other side.

how to write a counter argument in a persuasive essay

Many argued that, even if he enjoyed playing for Duke, it wasn’t worth risking another injury and ending his professional career before it even began for a program that wasn’t paying him. Williamson seems to have agreed with them and declared his eligibility for the NCAA draft later that year. In fact, roughly a third of student athletes surveyed stated that receiving a salary while in college would make them “strongly consider” remaining collegiate athletes longer before turning pro. This essay begins with an introduction, which ends with the thesis (that malaria eradication plans in Sub-Saharan Africa should focus on prevention rather than treatment). The first part of the essay lays out why the counter argument is not as effective, and the second part of the essay focuses on why prevention of malaria is the better path to take.

More Counter Argument and Rebuttal Practice

Finally, perhaps the main purpose of using a counterargument in an essay is that it then provides the author with a platform from which to denounce or disprove the opposition’s argument. This section of the argument where the author disproves the counterargument is commonly referred to as the rebuttal. A counter argument is a viewpoint that opposes a critical argument. Excellent persuasive writing and speaking strategies make good use of counter-arguments. This is because they prove to readers that the writer has considered other viewpoints. A strong Argument essay would not be complete with only your reasons in support of your position.

What a persuasive essay looks like?

A persuasive essay is one in which you use logic and arguments to convince readers of your point of view. For that, you need to provide solid evidence for arguments, such as research, stating facts, examples, quotes from experts, and logical reasons. Persuasive essays are also known as argumentative.

Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites that are transmitted to people through female Anopheles mosquitoes. Each year, over half a billion people will become infected with malaria, with roughly 80% of them living in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nearly half a million people die of malaria every year, most of them young children under the age of five. Unlike many other infectious diseases, the death toll for malaria is rising. Students use this template during a class debate to take notes and prepare their counter-arguments in accordance with the other teams’ arguments and persuasive techniques. Below is an example of the use of a counterargument, followed by an explanation of how the counterargument was employed.

You Need to Also Respond to the Counter

Omitting hints about the rebuttal in the paper will make it look one-sided and blunt. How to write a counter argument is a bit tricky question as it is a viewpoint that opposes your main argument. In fact the English Cambridge dictionary gives the counter argument definition as an argument against another argument.

You’ll be responding to it by giving the reasons the argument is weak and providing examples to show why the opposing argument is unsound. You can then state your own argument and why it is stronger than the counterargument. Counter-arguments consider the opposition’s point-of-view, then present arguments against it (‘to be counter Dissertation Help Provider to’ means ‘to be against’). Showing that you are aware of other arguments will strengthen your own. This is often the most difficult type of support, as you need to think who the opposition is, consider their view, and think of a good response. Useful language for this type of support are phrases such as ‘Opponents claim that…

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