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DIY Projects That Increase Home Value

Real Estate

Buying a home is a great investment. Whether you’re looking to turn a profit suddenly or sell in the far future, a little improvement can go a long way. However, complex home renovations can cost a lot of money and manpower. If you want the results without the high price tag, try these DIY projects that will increase your home value instead. 

1. Paint Your Whole Property 

A fresh coat of paint is an instant way to revive a room and boost home value. Not only is new paint appealing to the eye, but it’s a great way to modernize your space for an updated look that will sell fast. Stick to neutral colors like grey, beige, or white, as more controversial colors can turn away potential buyers. 

Don’t just stick with your home interior, either- make sure the front door, fence, exterior wall, window panes, and any other outdoor area that may require paint be checked as well. It’s important to have the whole property manicured and looking sharp. 

2. Landscape Your Lawn

First impressions can make or break a deal. The outside of your home is the first thing viewers will see upon arrival, so treat it accordingly. 

Pretty landscaping doesn’t necessarily require a big fuss. To keep it simple just place some succulents into stone mulch. This will draw the eye and require minimal maintenance. 

3. Stage the Space

This is not quite a home renovation, but it is still a DIY project that will increase your home value. When selling, you need to play the role. What will people want to see and/or buy? Short answer- not a lived-in, cluttered space. So stage your home accurately and remove excess junk. Buy new furniture if you must. Get inspiration from catalogs and websites like Ikea and Pottery Barn. And don’t forget to include some plants. 

4. Tear Out the Carpet

The truth is, carpeting is out. If you want to increase your home value, you’ll have to replace it with something more desirable and of-the-times, like hardwood (or vinyl, or tiles). Though potentially intimidating, restoring your flooring is absolutely still within the realm of DIY. The time and effort you put into fixing your floors will show when it’s time to list the house.

5. Update Your Bathroom and Kitchen Fixtures

Bathrooms and kitchens are two main indicators as to whether a property is outdated or updated. Without tearing them apart, there are several projects you can undertake yourself to modernize them and therefore increase your home value. 

Switching out the fixtures is a must when updating kitchens and bathrooms. For example, a rain showerhead is a desired and popular addition that people will be drawn to when home shopping. 

All fixtures will inevitably age with time. Replacing them with shiny, trendy new ones will take your home to the next level. 

As mentioned in the previous point, kitchens and bathrooms are key components to increasing the value of your home. People will notice an up-to-date kitchen as opposed to one that looks straight out of the year 2000. 

6. Add New Kitchen Appliances

So, take a trip to Home Depot for a new refrigerator, microwave, stovetop and oven. You don’t need top-grade appliances to get a return on investment, but you’ll still have to shell out some cash. This is a pricier but obligatory step to up your home value. 

7. Set Up a Smart Home

Installing smart home technology is a surefire DIY project that will raise the value of your home. Though not as vital as some of the other tasks, consider doing this for bonus points. Particularly popular with the Millennial and Gen Z crowd, smart home technology such as Nest will prove your home is modernized and worth a high price. 

8. Mind Your Windows

It can easily be overlooked, but windows are yet another piece of the puzzle to updating your home. Plastic vertical blinds commonly found in older homes instantly drag the value of the space. Instead, a fast and easy way to increase your home value is to modernize your window treatments. 

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